Wednesday, August 29, 2012

26.5 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26.5 Weeks
Size of Baby: According to Baby Morrow is about two pounds and measures 14 inches from head to heel-- about the size of an English hothouse cucumber. 

Maternity Clothes: LOVING my maternity clothes.  Just got a bunch for the fall from that I love.
Gender: It's a... SURPRISE!  We did not find out the gender of our little nugget.  What are your guesses?
Movement: Baby likes to kick and roll around at bed time and when I wake up.  Although, I can feel it throughout the day too.  It's the best feeling ever!  Dean started to be able to feel the kicks a couple weeks ago.  Super fun!
Sleep: Aside from getting up two or three times a night to go to the bathroom, I'm sleeping pretty well.  I just got a Boppy pregnancy pillow that I'm enjoying.
Cravings: I am LOVING peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!  Also, peanut butter on toast for breakfast with a side of chocolate milk.  Yum!
Symptoms: Just lots of kicks and a growing belly

Best Moment this week:  Having the nursery painted and getting the furniture in there.  It's looking so cute!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Phone Photo Fun!!

I am linking up today with Savanah and Ashlee to show you some photos from my phone!

Here is what was happening with me this week...

Dean brought home roses for me "just because"

Amanda, Allison, the boys, myself and some other friends went to the park 

I looooove DQ dipped cones!

Putting Baby Morrow's dresser together

I went to Mom's house to help out a little-- beautiful hardwood floors under the gross carpet.

I made this crayon wreath for Allison's birthday.  Thank you, Pinterest!

Dean took a last minute trip to Milwaukee and brought this home for Baby

Sarah (and Mark) and Dani (and Barry) came to visit for the weekend.  We had a blast!

Baby's room is getting painted today-- loving Crocodile Smile!

Geno went to the groomer today for a fresh new do