Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26.5 Weeks
Size of Baby: According to Baby Morrow is about two pounds and measures 14 inches from head to heel-- about the size of an English hothouse cucumber.
Maternity Clothes: LOVING my maternity clothes. Just got a bunch for the fall from that I love.
Gender: It's a... SURPRISE! We did not find out the gender of our little nugget. What are your guesses?
Movement: Baby likes to kick and roll around at bed time and when I wake up. Although, I can feel it throughout the day too. It's the best feeling ever! Dean started to be able to feel the kicks a couple weeks ago. Super fun!
Sleep: Aside from getting up two or three times a night to go to the bathroom, I'm sleeping pretty well. I just got a Boppy pregnancy pillow that I'm enjoying.
Cravings: I am LOVING peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Also, peanut butter on toast for breakfast with a side of chocolate milk. Yum!
Symptoms: Just lots of kicks and a growing belly
Best Moment this week: Having the nursery painted and getting the furniture in there. It's looking so cute!