About 18lbs
Size 3 diapers
12 month clothes
9/23 clicks his tongue and thinks he is hilarious
Waves hi and bye
Cruising around the furniture and stands for a second or two before sitting back down
Loooooves reading books
10/1 lowered crib
Loves his cheerios!
10/1 stopped nursing. Thought it was a nursing strike but he just never went back. He had been biting and then just refused to latch at all. We tried giving him breast milk in a bottle but he would not take it. He started taking the breast milk in silly cups with straws.
Sippy cups of milk four times a day
2 naps a day
Sleeping 10-12 hours at night.
Dances when he hears music. Loves the song "Brave" by Sara Bariellis.
Signs "all done" after meals and milk cups
10/11-12 met Great Grandma Sylvester in Pittsburgh. Also met cousin Maggie, Uncle Rick, Uncle Tommy, Great Great Aunt Christine and Great Great Uncle Merle.
Loves American cheese and strawberries
10/14 started introducing organic cows milk and milking 1oz in with his breast milk
We went to me pumpkin patch with Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mike and cousins Andrew, Aiden and Matthew.