Our little dude will be 9 months old next week.
So, here are his 8 month shots and stats!
-Wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
-Transitioned to 2 naps a day
-Nursing every 3-5 hours
He has two bottom teeth
-Crawling everywhere!
-Started pulling himself up (6/25)
-Goes from crawling into a sitting position (7/20)
-Zips and zooms around the kitchen in his walker (7/5)
-Ethan claps ALL THE TIME!! (7/3)
-Gives high-5s (7/15)
He's a little fish...
-loves the splash park, baby pool on our deck and swimming at Aunt Judy's
Ethan's new foods:
watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, yogurt, yogurt melts, shredded cheese, baby cheetos, and the purees in the pouches.
Transitioned to the big boy tub in Ethan's bathroom. No more sink baths in the kitchen!
I decorated his bathroom in a rubber duck theme. It's quacktastic!
We celebrated the 4th of July at Aunt Judy and Uncle Denny's house. We had a yummy picnic and went swimming. We didn't stay for fireworks.
We went to my mom's house in West Virginia for "Camp Grammy."
We had a great weekend visiting with family.
Ethan used his booster chair for the first time and did great sleeping in the pack and play.