Thursday, January 31, 2013


A couple of random cute pics from my phone...
I finally decided to get Ethan's high chair out of the box.  
He is adorable sitting in it with all of his toys.
This kept him occupied for a little bit while I did the dishes.

Looking so cute and grown up with a collar!
9.5 weeks old

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 weeks

Here is Ethan last Thursday when he turned 7 weeks old! It's one of my favorite pictures.

He is also too big for newborn size clothes and newborn size diapers. So this was his first size 0-3 months outfit. It's from Baby Gap and sooo adorable!

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Our Christmas Card

This year we did a Christmas Card/Birth Announcement. I went with card stock this year instead of the photo paper. I love how I could design the front and the back. I ordered them from Shutterfly an I love the way they turned out!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1 month old!

Ethan turned a month old on December 22, 2012. 
I know this post is slightly late and I'm hoping that this won't be a trend with Ethan's monthly posts.  

Weight:  7lbs 14oz (4th%)
Height:  20.5 inches (6th%)
He is a little guy but has been gaining weight well!

Ethan is wearing size Newborn diapers and Newborn clothes (now, at the 6 week mark, they are getting tight!).
Ethan is breastfeeding every 3 hours during the day and will give us 4-5 hour stretches through the night.  This is a guideline because we feed on-demand.  I usually pump when he wakes up at night and Dean will give him 3-4oz of breast milk in a bottle.  He was taking an hour to nurse and we hardly were getting sleep so this works out well for our family.

He is such a sweet and happy baby unless he is hungry or has a messy diaper.  He wakes up in the morning and is so happy and smiles a lot!  He has a dimple on his left cheek and a smaller one that isn't as noticeable on his right cheek.  He gets these from his daddy!

We have had such a great month with this little man.  Breastfeeding was and still is a learning experience.  He was so sleepy because he was jaundice just after he was born so he didn't nurse well.  Since he didn't nurse well, my milk didn't fully come in at that point.  I started to take the herb fenugreek and it has really helped with my supply.  We are finally doing well and getting the hang of things.  

We have had so many visitors and have loved showing off Ethan to our family and friends.  I love this little boy and spending my days at home with him.  I'm such a lucky momma!